Single Family auction Reliance, WY - 1008-3rd-St-Reliance-WY-82943, 9007143613383 | Hubzu
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1008 3rd St
Reliance, WY 82943
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The property at 1008 3rd St, Reliance, WY is a Residential Single Family property with 2 bedroom(s) and 1 bathroom(s), built in 1911 and is 821 square feet.
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Sheriff's Appraised Value
This is an estimate of the property's value as determined in accordance with Ohio state laws governing foreclosure sales, including but not limited to Ohio Revised Code Section 2329.17. Ohio state law does not require an appraisal by a licensed or certified appraiser and interior inspections are not normally performed. Bidders should not rely on this stated value in deciding whether and how much to bid.
Sale Deposit
The amount and timing of the Sale Deposit is prescribed by Ohio state laws governing foreclosure sales, including but not limited to Ohio Revised Code Section 2329.211. Failure to timely submit the Sale Deposit may result in invalidation of the sale.
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Property Details for 1008 3rd St
Interior Details
Beds: 2 Beds
Full Baths: 1 Bath
Land Info
Lot Size: 10,500 Sq. Ft.
Size: 821 Sq. Ft.
Property Info
Year Built: 1911
Type: Single Family
Property ID: 9007143613383
Other Property Info
Sub Division: NA
Property Fees
Technology Fees: -
(Buyer Pays at Closing).
Buyer's Agent Commission: Not offered
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